Looking back, animals have been an integral part of my life; from the Guinea pig, budgerigar, Syrian hamsters and cats we had in our childhood; to the cockatiel, gerbil, dwarf hamsters and cats in my younger, and recent years. They each taught me so much and feel blessed to have had a connection with each and every one of them. I have
Looking back, animals have been an integral part of my life; from the Guinea pig, budgerigar, Syrian hamsters and cats we had in our childhood; to the cockatiel, gerbil, dwarf hamsters and cats in my younger, and recent years. They each taught me so much and feel blessed to have had a connection with each and every one of them. I have fostered hedgehogs over the winter months, and am currently guardian to a rescue dog (Tigger).
My first real connection with horses was from around the age of nine when I learnt to ride. I enjoyed jumping and learning about horse care; including preparation for competition. My relationship with horses continued after we moved counties and was able to continue riding while helping out at a local stables. It has been wonderful to reconnect with these beautiful souls through working with them.
As teenagers my sister and I helped out on a local farm where we would regularly encounter its animal residents, as well looking after rabbits when their owners went on holiday and walking an elderly lady's dog who lived in the village.
Prior to adopting our lovely dog I embarked upon my spiritual path, with a particular interest in healing, which led to energy healing and Reiki. I have always had a positive outlook and bring both calmness and positivity to the sessions. Meditation and my connection with nature allows me to maintain this calmness, inner peace and balan
Prior to adopting our lovely dog I embarked upon my spiritual path, with a particular interest in healing, which led to energy healing and Reiki. I have always had a positive outlook and bring both calmness and positivity to the sessions. Meditation and my connection with nature allows me to maintain this calmness, inner peace and balance.
Complementary therapy, which included homeopathic and herbal remedies, was an integral part of my upbringing, as well as being in a household that grew a wide range of plants and foods. However, I do enjoy exploring the scientific aspect and researching things in depth, and liaising with experts. This approach gave me a better understanding of Tigger's issues (lead aggression, separation anxiety, nervousness and anxiousness) and along with holistic sessions, consistency, empathy, kindness and patience, have transformed him into a happy, more confident and relaxed dog.
Being within the healthcare sector and laboratory setting for over 30 years allows me to draw upon knowledge gained throughout this time regarding health issues.
Throughout my life helping animals and wildlife has always been a passion, and as a youngster was an RSPB Young Ornithologist, all of which were my motivation to embark on my training.
Throughout my life helping animals and wildlife has always been a passion, and as a youngster was an RSPB Young Ornithologist, all of which were my motivation to embark on my training.
I am fully insured for all services offered, and am committed to ongoing CPD to ensure am aware of any changes/updates, and to further my knowledge.
Animal Courses & CPD
Herbal/Aromatherapy/Flower Essences/Bach® Flower Remedy Courses & CPD
Reiki/Energy Healing Courses & CPD
Nature/Wildlife Courses & CPD
Microbiome Courses & CPD
Enrichment Courses & CPD
First Aid Courses
Dog Parkour
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