Animals, birds and reptiles are responsive to the Bach® flower essences and there are many anecdotal and success stories to support this - please note we use only flower essences with no alcohol content. At a session we meet both you and your animal, and after discussion and observations we combine a small number of the essences taking in
Animals, birds and reptiles are responsive to the Bach® flower essences and there are many anecdotal and success stories to support this - please note we use only flower essences with no alcohol content. At a session we meet both you and your animal, and after discussion and observations we combine a small number of the essences taking into account their detailed history, both past and present. These remedies are to support current emotional disturbances and details on how to administer the remedies are given. We do require consent from your vet by means of an email, or other written communication, and are happy to contact them with regards to this. Please get in touch if you would like to arrange a session, or need any additional information.
Dr Edward Bach took what was probably seen as an unorthodox approach in his field of medicine, in that he felt the emotional state had an impact on health, and that emotions such as fear and unhappiness could lead to ill-health. Thus by addressing emotional imbalance it would halt progression to physical health problems. The 38 remedies
Dr Edward Bach took what was probably seen as an unorthodox approach in his field of medicine, in that he felt the emotional state had an impact on health, and that emotions such as fear and unhappiness could lead to ill-health. Thus by addressing emotional imbalance it would halt progression to physical health problems. The 38 remedies were borne out of this belief and Dr Bach devoted his life to creating these, and also established The Bach® Centre in Oxfordshire. This statement from Nelsons® (who are partnered with the Bach® Centre, and prepare their essences) really resonates “Bach® Original Flower Remedies was founded on the simple idea that ingredients born from nature can be incredibly powerful in supporting our emotional wellbeing ….”
Nelsons is the only company authorised by The Bach® Centre to produce the Bach® flower essences - created by using wild flowers, trees and bushes, some of which are still hand-picked from gardens at The Bach® Centre. Flower essences are prepared by using both the sun method (using only sunlight and fresh spring water) and boiling method
Nelsons is the only company authorised by The Bach® Centre to produce the Bach® flower essences - created by using wild flowers, trees and bushes, some of which are still hand-picked from gardens at The Bach® Centre. Flower essences are prepared by using both the sun method (using only sunlight and fresh spring water) and boiling method (simmering in fresh spring water using an enamel pan). The resulting energised water, and filtered water, are then traditionally preserved with brandy, thus creating the mother tincture - 2 drops of this are then used to prepare stock bottles. Flower essences work on a vibrational level, containing the vibrational energy of flowers and plants, and as such do not interfere with medication.
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